Countries with world's fastest internet

 The rankings by Akamai Technologies cover January through March and are based on average peak connection speeds.

1.Hong Kong

Speed: 63.6Mbps,  which was more than three times the global average of 18.4 Mbps.


Speed: 50 Mbps, which was more than 170% faster than the global average


Speed: 47.9 Mbps, which was 160% faster than the global average.

4. South Korea

Speed: 44.8Mbps, which was 143% faster than the global average.

5. Latvia

Speed: 44.2Mbps, which was about 140% faster than the global average.

6. Singapore

Speed: 41.1Mbps, 43% speedieer than year ago

7. Switzerland

Speed: 40.3Mbps, 41% speedier than year ago.


Speed: 38.2Mbps, 14% increase over the previous quarter.

9. Netherlands

Speed: 38.2Mbps

10. Belgium

Speed: 38Mbps

11. US

Speed: 36.6Mbps

12. London

Speed: 36.3Mbps, 53% speedier than a year ago

Now lets talk about position of India:

Speed: 10.6Mbps
Rank: 109
 India is second lowest among Asian countries, followed only by China’s average peak connection speed of 8.3 Mbps


  1. new LTE is far better than's speed is of 300Mbps


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